Physical Health Coaching

Call/text: (949) 441-0678

If you are ready for a lasting change – you’ve come to the right place. 
My name is Tamara Eristavi, and I am a health coach. Helping people improve quality their lives is my singular focus and passion.
Whether you need to recover from physical injuries or mental stress, change your figure, habits, relationships or overhaul your lifestyle, here you can find a one-stop solution, thanks to my vast experience in health and wellness, life coaching, yoga, nutrition, and corrective physical therapy methods. Each of my clients gets a highly customized program that best suits their needs and requirements. Here’s more about my services:


Thrivingness (Formerly: Young! Strong! Happy!)* is an award-winning health coaching service, owned and operated by Tamara Eristavi since 2010. 

Here you can find effective, specialized solutions in the following areas:

⋅ Healthy lifestyle implementation
⋅ Tension headaches, Migraines and Sinus pain
⋅ Ergonomics – optimizing your living and working environment
⋅ Balance, mobility & flexibility issues

Patient advocacy:
⋅ Helping patients select best available doctors and practitioners for their specific health needs
⋅ Working hand-in-hand with physicians to ensure that the needs of the patient are met and the optimal treatment plan is put into place
⋅ Ensuring that the treatment plan is properly executed, and communicating with medical staff to discuss any problems or questions that arise in the course of treatment
⋅ Ensuring that the patient has a full grasp of their own health topics and the solutions offered by their doctor

Mental health –  Click here to learn more about Life Coaching services
Stress reduction, self-esteem issues, conflict resolution, grief management, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, problems with public speaking, spiritual crises, personal empowerment

Health education:
It is my passion to empower the public with up-to-date information about health and wellness. My social media channels offer useful and relevant information about mental and physical health: YouTube, Instagram, tiktok

My mission:
To help clients improve their quality of life, using a wide range of tools. Depending on the level of client’s dedication, coaching results can be life-changing.

My commitment:
To provide clients with exceptional, individualized care that produce lasting results.

My results:
I apply a thorough, individualized approach to physical and mental wellness that is proven to yield higher than average results. My clients achieve a paradigm shift in their attitude toward their health and build lives with mind and body that are more flexible and resilient. See testimonials here.

*Business licence # 190000453, 190000455, 190000456. Trustline certified.

**This business is not affiliated with and does not distribute any other brands or products.

***Coaching services are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any mental or physical conditions. California law allows individuals to provide nutritional and lifestyle advice. This state law does NOT confer authority to practice medicine or to undertake the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of any disease, pain, deformity, injury, or physical or mental condition and specifically does not authorize any person other than one who is a licensed health practitioner to state that any product might cure any disease, disorder, or condition.

****Sliding scale pricing may be available to qualifying individuals

~ Young!Strong!Happy  A Heart-Centered Business  ~