If you feel verbally attacked

If you feel disrespected or verbally attacked, remember: the way someone talks to you only shows how they feel about their life, and it might have nothing to do with you.
But even if you messed up and somebody wants to criticize you, a mentally stable person will find a way to be civil. Everybody else is just trying to work out their dysfunction by hurting you.

Be kind to yourself. And to others.

Coach T.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Your next chapter might be your greatest one!

The world is weary. 

And, even if you don’t feel that right now, most likely there is a part of you that is tired. Tired of hearing perturbing and distressing news. Tired of having to face shocking changes. Tired of wondering what else might come tomorrow. 

I feel like in the past few years the world has been feeling emotionally abused. And this wild ride does not show signs of slowing down. 2022 year has been a raging roller-coaster, and now we’re hearing rumors about possible food shortages and layoffs. 

As a wellness coach, my biggest question these days is: how do we handle this mayhem and remain functional? How do we find the strength to move forward, let alone – succeed? The answers may lie in the experiences of those who have been through hell and back before and are here to tell the story.  

In the past few years, I have been getting a lot of deja-vu. As a Georgian* national, living between Georgia and Russia in 1980s and 90s I lived through two revolutions, a civil war, countless food shortages and profound lack of civil rights. Georgia was essentially at war with Russia in 1991, those were the scariest times of my life, and I still can’t fully put my experiences into words. 

But what I can express is this: no matter how worrisome, disorienting or maddening your life is now, you CAN get through it. We will see a better life on the other end of this tunnel. I have lived through endless days and nights of terror and despair. It seemed like it will never be over, and I was vacillating between feeling paralyzed and enraged. But I’m here to tell you – everything has a beginning and an end. It is crucial to remember that now. 

Back in my 20s, I didn’t have the tools or the right support to handle such major disasters. I was crushed. PTSD and anxiety went on to haunt me for many years. But I was looking for a way out, and you know what? When you seek a solution, you will find it. 

I know that many of us have sustained major losses. And you may have lost friends or family, either literally or figuratively. You may have lost your job, possessions or even your dwelling. The amount of pain and sadness your hearts carry is staggering. It’s palpable. I could see the pain of millions of people when I was in my 20s, and I can see your pain now. But I am telling you – there absolutely ARE resources within and around you to help you get through dark times. 

On my healing journey, I realized that the human ability to overcome and bounce back is phenomenal. With the right tools, and support anyone can achieve victory over their circumstances. 

You may feel lost, powerless or scared. But I want you to hear me when I say that you are capable of overcoming your challenges. And if you can’t find the strength within – please, I beg you –  reach out, connect with others, open yourself up to help. Allow others to express their human nature by supporting you. There is nothing shameful or embarrassing about seeking assistance. 

Shame and guilt are products of judgement, and judgement is a tool of oppression and ultimately, abuse. 

So, my friends, being human is at the same time scary and amazing, because in the darkest of times, we can raise above our circumstances to become our strongest and best selves through healing and helping others heal. 

I thank you for being here with me right now, and I invite you to stay close. We’ll get through this together. and please promise me that you will take a good care of yourself. And if you don’t know how – look for answers every day, until you find them.
There is an important reason why you are in this world, and your next chapter might just be your greatest one!

Coach T.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

pneumonia: 10 things that can improve the outcome

So, things got awfully real lately, and we’re hearing about coronavirus everywhere. Many of us begin wondering, can anything be done to improve the outcome of this infection. Yes, there are ways to improve the course of this infection.

First of all, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s why we already discussed the supplements and health hacks that can help strengthen the immune system. In today’s post, we will focus on reducing the specific risks brought on by covid-19.

The main concern with the current virus is severe pneumonia, where the patient’s lungs begin to fill up with fluid in response to inflammation. That becomes a serious problem, if the patient’s organism has trouble clearing excess phlegm. The main goal in this case is to recover without the help of ventilators, which are in short supply at the hospital.

Severe cases of pneumonia mostly develop due to preexisting conditions, like asthma and COPD. Other risk factors include smoking/vaping, and poor self-care.
When it comes to self-care during an infection, most people tend to take a passive approach, rather than working to actively improve their condition.
So, what can one do to improve the outcome of a coronavirus infection, or any acute respiratory infection for that matter?

1. Hydrate

It is important to understand that with any inflammatory process, especially pneumonia, hydration is vital. This includes receiving adequate amounts of electrolytes (just water is not sufficient for proper hydration, especially during excessive sweating or digestive issues like diarrhea or vomiting.) With proper hydration, any secretions in bronchi or lungs will be easier to expectorate (cough up.) This could mean a difference between needing a ventilator and not.

Make sure the fluids you consume are very warm and don’t contain caffeine. It’s important to sip your drinks every 15 minutes, instead of chugging down large amounts at once. If you are not used to consuming a lot of fluids, don’t overwhelm your body by suddenly flooding it with gallons of water. Begin adding more liquid gradually, 1-2 additional cups every day until you work up to the optimal level.

How much water do you need a day? According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, it’s 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men and 11.5 – for women.

Steam inhalations are also a good way to support your respiratory system. I have to caution, however, that is it easy to receive burns to your skin or airways with excessive heat, so moderation is important. Make sure that you are not too close to the source of steam and if you feel too much heat, take breaks.

Another tool worth mentioning is a humidifier. We tend to exhale a lot of water, and if the air we breathe is dry, we will get increasingly dehydrated.

2. Sleep more

This suggestion is obvious. Our organism does its best work at repairing and restoring health during deep sleep. To that end, make sure you stop taking your fluids a couple hours before your bedtime.

3. Move it

Another important step is to encourage the circulation of the lymph. Our lymphatic system works relentlessly to carry toxins out of the organism. But, unlike our cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system does not have its own heart to push it around: it entirely relies on the position and movement of the body.

That’s why, if you feel well enough, make sure to regularly get up and do some walking or gentle exercises, moving as many muscles as you can. If you don’t feel up to that, try to constantly alternate between sitting and laying down in various positions, including tilted and slightly inverted, as in Postural Drainage (see below.)

4. Eat right

One other way to help your lymphatic system is by avoiding foods that can clog it up with excess mucus: dairy, starchy foods, bananas, eggs and meat. By the same token, foods like lemon and apple cider vinegar cut mucus and help loosen the phlegm. You can find lists of foods to eat and avoid here.

Anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements like Omega3, turmeric, cayenne pepper, oil of oregano and others, can also help reduce the amount of secretions and streamline the work of the immune system.

To help your organism stay strong, avoid starving yourself or overeating. The latter may sound redundant, because typically pneumonia has an appetite-suppressing effect. But for what it’s worth, eat smaller, easy to digest meals, to reduce the load on your organism that is already strained by fighting off the infection.

One thing to take with caution are cough drugs. According to webmd.com, studies failed to prove that common OTC medications like dextromethorphan and guaifenesin, help with cough. Besides adding unnecessary chemical load to your body, these drugs can cause unwanted side effects.

Instead of drugs, consider taking natural remedies, like honey, ginger, turmeric, sage, licorice, peppermint, ivy leaf, chicken soup, cayenne pepper, garlic and others.

5. Breathe!

Yes, you are encouraged to learn how to breathe! That might be an odd suggestion, but you can really aid your lungs and bronchi by training your respiratory system. Using deep, diaphragmatic breathing techniques can help expand your lungs and receive more oxygen.
Another way to improve lung function is aerobic exercise, which is best done as prevention – before you get sick. If your health allows, increase the intensity of your workout, until you reach the level of exertion where your breathing is labored and you can’t comfortably maintain a conversation.

While dealing with inflammation, you can practice Active Cycle of Breathing technique, which is aimed to clear excess mucus from lungs.

6. Gargle

Gargling helps remove any postnasal drip and sputum that causes irritation and additional coughing. For this purpose, you can use warm water with one of the following: lemon, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, a few drops of tea tree oil and or sage, chamomile and even olive oil, when your throat feels irritated.

7. Huff and puff

When trying to get rid of excess phlegm, remember that coughing can irritate airways and even cause damage to lungs. So, in essence, we need to be stingy with our coughs. What does that mean?

You can use special breathing and huffing techniques that help gradually move secretions from the bottom of the lungs upwards, and then expel them without excessive coughing. You can see a tutorial here.

8. Use good vibrations

Applying gentle percussion and vibration to the chest and back helps loosen and dislodge the sputum, making it easier to move it up and out. I will post more about this in the upcoming days.

9. Postural drainage

One of the oldies but goodies in pneumonia care is postural drainage. It is an easy practice of changing your body position to help the lungs to move phlegm upwards, from where it can be easily coughed up. Each posture needs to be held for a minimum of five minutes. You can find information about postural drainage on healthline.com, physiotherapy-treatment.com and other professional websites.

10. Accentuate the positive

This is not just a well-wish. Experienced physicians know that patient’s recovery rate is increased when they feel emotionally comfortable and supported. Watch silly and funny videos, listen to pleasant music or audio books. Nothing heavy or very emotional, even if it’s cathartic.
Reach out for emotional support over the phone or video chat. If you feel lonely, there is a variety of free services and online groups that offer support and encouragement to people in distress caused by the pandemic.

So, take care of yourself, stay informed and stay positive!

With all this said – I hope you will keep away from all bugs out there and end up not needing the above advice!

Much love!

Tamara Eristavi is a wellness coach, based in Irvine, Califorina.

*All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

COVID advice from Chief Medical Officer

This is an important message from Chief Medical Officer, Assistant Clinical Professor in University of California, Irvine:

“…There are FOUR different bugs going around now plus the threat of Covid. Let’s look at each…
1. A bacterial infection is currently on the rise-sore throat, productive cough, fever, maybe sinus symptoms. If you are fit and healthy, it may wear itself out in 3-5 days. If you are very young or very old, frail, or sickly, it may lead to pneumonia or sepsis. An antibiotic is effective, and we may be able to swab for it, or do a blood test or xray to make an accurate diagnosis.
2. A viral syndrome with low grade fever, sneezing, cough, can be difficult to differentiate from a bacterial one at first. Even an experienced provider may need testing to tell the difference. It is usually less serious and runs its course over 2-3 days. Antibiotics do not work for a typical virus. We are seeing a fair number of these cases now, on par with this time of year.
3. NEITHER of these are the “flu”. Influenza is a totally separate animal. High fevers, aches, abdominal distress, dry cough, and feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck are common symptoms. It can be diagnosed via a swab in the office. There are special influenza antibiotics (eg Tamiflu) that help reduce the symptoms and duration. The “Flu” seems to have peaked and even gone in Orange County for 2020. In my personal practice we haven’t had a positive case since Feb 15th. The Health Department confirms we should see very few new flu cases in March.
4. Covid-19 begins as a typical viral illness- sneezing, coughing, low grade fever. But there are serious differences.
Fortunately, we have not had a lot of cases in Southern California–at least not officially diagnosed. But the virus can be spread for two weeks before symptoms appear. In that time, hundreds of people have been put at risk. It is spread by droplets, so simply being near an infected person can spread it if they cough or sneeze. And the 88,000 cases (as of this writing) is misleading since those are CONFIRMED cases. At least 10 times that number have occurred but just not tested for.
There is hope that as a cold weather bug, it will fade away with warmer weather. Yet it is still growing at over 1,000 cases a day being reported world wide; the same number as late January when it first appeared. If more kits were available, you can estimate how many new cases are actually occurring.
To hear an official say “we have this under control” is irresponsible. To hear people on social media say “There were more flu deaths, life goes on” is just idiotic. For one thing, the flu deaths were over an entire season. This pandemic has just begun.For another, would these same people take a vacation to beautiful downtown Baghdad? Stroll thru the streets of Sinaloa Mexico? Of course not because we know that is dangerous. Covid 19 should also be considered dangerous.
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? An epidemic refers to a condition spreading rapidly. A pandemic is an epidemic spreading throughout the world. We are now in a pandemic. The flu was not a pandemic.
As CMO, I am advising the following measures for our patients at least thru March:
1.If you are sick, don’t travel. In fact don’t leave the house if possible. Of course this is always common sense. But now you run the risk of being quarantined if it is considered possible you harbor Covid 19. Many countries are screening passengers for even low grade fever. Flight attendants are instructed to report anyone they feel is showing signs of infection. If you have a fever you will be detained. and not just sent home, but put in isolation.
2. If you are not sick, but very young, very old, frail, or sickly avoid ALL non-essential travel, or areas where crowds circulate. That means malls, theme parks, churches, even ball games. Going to a school or office may only expose you to dozens of close contacts. But a crowded day at Disney will expose you to THOUSANDS of people who may be incubating Covid.
If you are fit and relatively healthy, use common sense. Avoiding crowds and non essential travel may seem like overkill but it isn’t just about protecting you- its keeping an unknowing carrier from spreading the virus to thousands of uninfected people. We do not advise staying home from work or school, but if you can cancel that trip to Europe or postpone the day to Universal Studios, it will go a long way to stopping the spread and protecting yourself and your family.
3. If you do travel in March, realize there is a high chance of disrupted travel. You may be not allowed to leave your area or be house confined. Bring your own thermometer, your own cold meds, and an extra supply of your prescription meds in case you are stuck somewhere for weeks. Have documentation of your health insurance with you. Realize you may find tourist venues closed, events canceled, and long lines at areas where screening is going on.
4. Common sense dictates frequent hand washing. Remember the rule is to wash singing “Happy Birthday” to allow enough time to wash. If you are using hand sanitizers like Purell, five seconds is sufficient. Avoid touching other people if possible, maybe a thumbs up instead of shaking hands. Prepare your own meals as much as possible. If you must cough or sneeze in public, cover the face or turn away. Normal face masks are insufficient to block Covid–you’ll need to look for N 95 masks. But if your coughing enough to need the mask –STAY HOME! If you are wearing the mask to protect yourself its probably not necessary if you are fit and healthy.
5. If you feel you may have one of those three conditions at the beginning of this blog, DO NOT ignore it. Use house Calls or video visits to talk to your provider. If you feel you must come to the office, alert us so we can swab you or draw your blood in the comfort of your car. If you need to be seen in an exam room, you will be escorted thru the lobby if you alert us in advance. ALL respiratory type infections should be seen and worked up during this crucial time. Covid testing is done at the health dept.
IF World wide screening is effective
IF everyone follows these FIVE simple rules
IF Covid is a cold weather bug only
The pandemic will be history. Otherwise we may witness a pandemic unseen in our lifetimes.
Gregg DeNicola MD
Chief Medical Officer”

6 supplements that help fight viral infections

With COVID-19 being on the front pages, I would like to share about supplements that can help you protect yourself by boosting your immune system. This is just an abbreviated information sheet and is not intended to replace medical advice.
As always, you are encouraged to check with your physician and do your research to see how compatible these supplements are with your specific organism. Stay healthy!

1. VITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid)

Surely, the virtues of Vitamin C are familiar to most. It participates in a long list of vital functions of human organism. Its ability to fight free radicals prevent viral infections and inactivate viruses.
During an active infection, or inflammatory processes, Vitamin C is quickly depleted and the demand for it raises sharply. A daily dose of 1,000mg can be taken short-term, to help your body fight the infection. In a long run, too much Vitamin C may cause kidney stones.


Quercetin is a dietary flavonoid and more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene. Benefits: reduces inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Beneficial in promoting brain health, protecting against allergies, and cancer. Fights the harmful free radicals (the environmental factors.)
Please note that Quercetin should not be taken for more than 3 months in a row, otherwise its accumulation can have a negative effect on your health.

Food sources: capers, red onions, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, apples, citrus fruits, berries, cherries, grapes, black tea, green tea, red wine, and some fruit juices.

SUPPLEMENTAL QUERCETINE: Most healthy individuals will benefit from taking 500mg of Quercetin daily to reduce environmental effects. The most bioavailable form is Quercetin dihydrate, however it’s still not very easy to metabolize. Niacin (vitamin B3, availabie in most multi-vitamins) has been known to improve the absorption of Quercetin.

3. VITAMIN D3 (Cholecalciferol)

A steroid hormone, essential to survival. Most people, even in California, are deficient. Benefits: reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, depression, as well as flu, viral infections and pneumonia. It also promotes weight loss and reduces appetite.

Natural sources: sunlight.
Food sources are few: salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, milk (fortified), cereal (fortified), yogurt (fortified), orange juice (fortified)

SUPPLEMENTAL VITAMIN D3: the FDA recommends 600-800IU. A typically prescribed daily dose is 25mcg (1,000IU.)
(!) However, please note that vitamin D increases demand for vitamin K2. Otherwise, calcium will be leached out of bones and eventually deposited on the artery walls threatening with strokes and heart attacks.
K2 has to be taken along with D3, at a ratio of about 1/4-1/8 (for every 25mcg of Vit D3 take 100-200mcg Vit K2.)


Oil of Oregano is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. Oregano oil has been shown to inhibit viruses and bacteria in vitro. May reduce pain and LDL cholesterol levels.

Food sources: oregano is a flavorful herb that can enhance the taste and add variety to your meals. However, small amounts we typically use in cooking, will not make a big difference in your health.

SUPPLEMENTAL OREGANO OIL: is available in tincture, essential oil or capsules. I recommend capsules, since this oil itself is very spicy and can burning your esophagus. Optimal dosage is not determined. A dose of 1,500mg a day is considered generaly safe. However, it is counter-indicated to pregnant and lactating women.
When taking Oregano oil, make sure to take at least a 7 day break after every three weeks of use.

You can also use this oil for inhalations, to treat upper respiratory illnesses.

5. VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine can reduce duration and severity of viral infections. It lowers triglycerides and balances LDL and HDL cholesterol. May prevent heart disease, boosts brain function, improves skin function, reduces arthritis.

Food sources: beef, liver, dried milk, nuts, oats, oranges, pork, eggs, seeds, legumes, peas and yeast. The following foods can be fortified with B1: rice, pasta, breads, cereals and wheat flour.

SUPPLEMENTAL: available in most multivitamins

Tamara Eristavi is a wellness coach, based in Irvine, Califorina.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

fight viruses naturally

I would like to share some tips that can help you you stay happy and healthy during this flu season. Whereas these suggestions will not guarantee protection from getting sick, they will help improve your health and strengthen your immune system.

– wash or sanitize your hands often and don’t touch your eyes, mouth or nose with unwashed hands
– breathe only through your nose
– do your best to reduce stress and stay positive 😊
– get PLENTY OF SLEEP on a regular basis
– gargle your throat a few times a day (you can add tea tree oil or echinacea)
– exercise moderately on a daily basis (heavy workouts lower your immunity) and make sure you break a sweat
– take hot showers daily (raising body temp kills viruses) with a contrast shower in the end (contrast shower boosts immune system)
– you can try coating the inside of your nose with coconut oil to prevent virus from landing on the mucous membrane

– stay hydrated
– try intermittent fasting (it resets the immune system)
– avoid sugars and processed foods
– lots of fresh foods, including ginger, onions, lemons
– lots of garlic (it’s effective raw and cooked, but not over 140F)
– honey, especially Manuka
– bee pollen (begin with very small amounts, to avoid an allergic reaction)
– Natural immunomodulators like Lauricidin, Rhodiola Rosea and Ginseng
– vitamins, especially C and D
– probiotics
– teas: green, ginger, echinacea, herbal immune support and detoxing combinations

Stay healthy! Protect yourself and those around you ❤

Coach T.

Tamara Eristavi is a wellness coach, based in Irvine, Califorina.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

foods that can affect the course of inflammatory diseases

Normally, production of mucus is part of a healthy inflammatory response. Our body uses mucus to envelop and isolate harmful particles, which then get ushered out via the elimination system or coughing.

In acute cases, where time is of essence, and the patient’s organism needs help with elimination, it is smart to avoid the following foods:

  1. Meat
  2. Dairy
  3. Butter
  4. Margarine
  5. All grain products
  6. Avocados (I know, unexpected!)
  7. Bananas
  8. Cabbage
  9. Potatoes
  10. Eggplants
  11. Mushrooms
  12. Soy products
  13. Tree nuts and peanuts
  14. Foods, containing added sugars
  15. Soft beverages
  16. Liquor
  17. ANY PROCESSED FOOD (including smoked products)

The good news is, certain foods tend to help cut mucus and phlegm, and it would be a great idea to add them to your diet while fighting inflammation. Here they are, listed in no particular order:

  1. Ginger
  2. Lemon
  3. Apple cider vinegar
  4. Broth
  5. Fish
  6. Vegetables (except the above)
  7. Leafy greens
  8. Citrus
  9. Onion
  10. Garlic
  11. Honey (Manuka is superior)
  12. Cayenne pepper
  13. Chamomile
  14. Olive oil
  15. Walnuts
  16. Pumpkin seeds

Stay well!
Coach T.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Tamara Eristavi is a wellness coach, based in Irvine, Califorina.

excuses, excuses…

excuses?None of this is easy. We are all very busy, there is so much urgency and chaos in our environment and it is so hard to focus on yourself. We get tired, we have pains and aches or maybe we’re not in a mood, whatever the excuse, our “exercise ethics” can suffer greatly. But what are the ramifications?

How often do we ask ourselves what can eventually happen if we don’t take care of your health? What is to come in 10, 20, 30 years? While working with seniors, I have learned that even seemingly insignificant habits can bring huge repercussions down the road. So, why not choose your habits wisely? Why not think ahead and work toward a healthy future? And when it comes to overcoming challenges, thankfully, life provides some outstanding examples of heroic perseverance and dedication.


Here’s one of them: a disabled veteran who defied all odds and demonstrated a miracle of epic proportions. I’m grateful for people like him and, I’ll admit that I can’t watch this without tearing up… Arthur’s incredible transformation.

This is what means never giving up your Pursuit of Happiness!

 I will be happy to help you overcome all your excuses and get Younger, Stronger and Happier!  For a free session with a Certified Personal Trainer anywhere in Orange County, call (949) 441-0678 or submit your inquiry here.
Till then, stay Young! 🙂

 Heart-Centered Business  ~

It’s too late… or is it?

never too late

Every now and then I come across a client who is concerned that it may be too late for  them to start getting in shape. In fact, sometimes I hear people say things like: “Well, I’m over the “hill” now, I don’t want to make a laughing stock of myself “pumping iron” (learning yoga, skipping rope or what have you) at 55 (65, even 85)! This is a common misconception. We are born to move, and there’s no excuse for neglecting our  body’s inherent need for exertion.

never too late 2Actually studies have repeatedly confirmed that with a proper approach people of all ages greatly benefit from exercise. Typically, with regular exercise, one is expected to see improvements in multiple areas: from regulated blood pressure and sugar, to improved balance, bone density and cardiovascular health, to elevated mood, lifted anxiety and depression, to say nothing of muscle tone and more youthful appearance. I have consistently seen such changes in my “senior” clients, no matter whether they were in their sixties or eighties, and the joy in their eyes is the best proof of the benefits.

sheperdOne of the most striking examples* that illustrate my point is the remarkable story of Ernestine Shepherd, a two-time Guinness World record holder as oldest  competing bodybuilder at 76 years of age! You may think, being a bodybuilder, she surely has been into this all her life. Not so! She began training at seventy-one! Follow the link below to watch her strut her stuff proudly, could ever guess her age?

Video: Ernestine Shepherd – Bodybuilder at 76!



Another amazing example is Johanna Quaas, an 86 (eighty-six!) year young German lady, who holds a Guinness World record as an oldest gymnast.

Video: Johanna Quaas, an 86 year young Gymnast!

Never too late

These are just two out of scores of people who choose to challenge themselves daily and claim the healthy and active life they deserve! It is NEVER too late. No matter how hard the work, the payoff is immeasurable. Admittedly, it can be hard to get out of your comfort zone, break old habits and take action. If you find yourself debating on whether or not to take on a challenge of getting in a better shape, ask for support from your loved ones: after all, they will benefit from your improved health as well!

The best way to ensure you stay on track and reach your goals with less time and effort is to hire a professional who will create a personalized fitness regimen and offer you meal suggestions that are most suitable to your needs and requirements. Schedule a complimentary personal training session with a Certified Personal Trainer in Orange County by clicking here or simply call (949) 441-0678. You can also sign up here for our monthly newsletter to receive free  tips, tools and secrets to improve your health and fitness. Give yourself a chance to grow younger, stronger and happier. You’ll be glad you did!

Till then, stay Young! 🙂

 Heart-Centered Business  ~

*More inspiring stories:

A 92 year-old cancer survivor and marathoner

A 93 year-old Yoga instructor!