Feeling down? Could be lack of dopamine

If you feel unmotivated, unfocused, depressed, tired, have low libido or were diagnosed with ADHD, you might be dealing with low dopamine levels.

Neuroscientists teach us that dopamine is a precious substance in our brain that helps with focus, alertness, motivation, positive attitude, strong memory, creativity, willpower and stress response.

The good news is that you can improve that naturally and for free. We’ll talk about that in part 2 (coming soon!)

*All materials on this channel are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

6 supplements that help fight viral infections

With COVID-19 being on the front pages, I would like to share about supplements that can help you protect yourself by boosting your immune system. This is just an abbreviated information sheet and is not intended to replace medical advice.
As always, you are encouraged to check with your physician and do your research to see how compatible these supplements are with your specific organism. Stay healthy!

1. VITAMIN C (Ascorbic acid)

Surely, the virtues of Vitamin C are familiar to most. It participates in a long list of vital functions of human organism. Its ability to fight free radicals prevent viral infections and inactivate viruses.
During an active infection, or inflammatory processes, Vitamin C is quickly depleted and the demand for it raises sharply. A daily dose of 1,000mg can be taken short-term, to help your body fight the infection. In a long run, too much Vitamin C may cause kidney stones.


Quercetin is a dietary flavonoid and more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene. Benefits: reduces inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Beneficial in promoting brain health, protecting against allergies, and cancer. Fights the harmful free radicals (the environmental factors.)
Please note that Quercetin should not be taken for more than 3 months in a row, otherwise its accumulation can have a negative effect on your health.

Food sources: capers, red onions, peppers, broccoli, asparagus, apples, citrus fruits, berries, cherries, grapes, black tea, green tea, red wine, and some fruit juices.

SUPPLEMENTAL QUERCETINE: Most healthy individuals will benefit from taking 500mg of Quercetin daily to reduce environmental effects. The most bioavailable form is Quercetin dihydrate, however it’s still not very easy to metabolize. Niacin (vitamin B3, availabie in most multi-vitamins) has been known to improve the absorption of Quercetin.

3. VITAMIN D3 (Cholecalciferol)

A steroid hormone, essential to survival. Most people, even in California, are deficient. Benefits: reduces risk of cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, cancer, depression, as well as flu, viral infections and pneumonia. It also promotes weight loss and reduces appetite.

Natural sources: sunlight.
Food sources are few: salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, milk (fortified), cereal (fortified), yogurt (fortified), orange juice (fortified)

SUPPLEMENTAL VITAMIN D3: the FDA recommends 600-800IU. A typically prescribed daily dose is 25mcg (1,000IU.)
(!) However, please note that vitamin D increases demand for vitamin K2. Otherwise, calcium will be leached out of bones and eventually deposited on the artery walls threatening with strokes and heart attacks.
K2 has to be taken along with D3, at a ratio of about 1/4-1/8 (for every 25mcg of Vit D3 take 100-200mcg Vit K2.)


Oil of Oregano is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, analgesic (pain-relieving), anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. Oregano oil has been shown to inhibit viruses and bacteria in vitro. May reduce pain and LDL cholesterol levels.

Food sources: oregano is a flavorful herb that can enhance the taste and add variety to your meals. However, small amounts we typically use in cooking, will not make a big difference in your health.

SUPPLEMENTAL OREGANO OIL: is available in tincture, essential oil or capsules. I recommend capsules, since this oil itself is very spicy and can burning your esophagus. Optimal dosage is not determined. A dose of 1,500mg a day is considered generaly safe. However, it is counter-indicated to pregnant and lactating women.
When taking Oregano oil, make sure to take at least a 7 day break after every three weeks of use.

You can also use this oil for inhalations, to treat upper respiratory illnesses.

5. VITAMIN B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine can reduce duration and severity of viral infections. It lowers triglycerides and balances LDL and HDL cholesterol. May prevent heart disease, boosts brain function, improves skin function, reduces arthritis.

Food sources: beef, liver, dried milk, nuts, oats, oranges, pork, eggs, seeds, legumes, peas and yeast. The following foods can be fortified with B1: rice, pasta, breads, cereals and wheat flour.

SUPPLEMENTAL: available in most multivitamins

Tamara Eristavi is a wellness coach, based in Irvine, Califorina.

All materials on this website are intended for educational purpose only and cannot replace medical or mental health expertise and services. Please consult your doctor/healthcare provider if you are seeking medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

excuses, excuses…

excuses?None of this is easy. We are all very busy, there is so much urgency and chaos in our environment and it is so hard to focus on yourself. We get tired, we have pains and aches or maybe we’re not in a mood, whatever the excuse, our “exercise ethics” can suffer greatly. But what are the ramifications?

How often do we ask ourselves what can eventually happen if we don’t take care of your health? What is to come in 10, 20, 30 years? While working with seniors, I have learned that even seemingly insignificant habits can bring huge repercussions down the road. So, why not choose your habits wisely? Why not think ahead and work toward a healthy future? And when it comes to overcoming challenges, thankfully, life provides some outstanding examples of heroic perseverance and dedication.


Here’s one of them: a disabled veteran who defied all odds and demonstrated a miracle of epic proportions. I’m grateful for people like him and, I’ll admit that I can’t watch this without tearing up… Arthur’s incredible transformation.

This is what means never giving up your Pursuit of Happiness!

 I will be happy to help you overcome all your excuses and get Younger, Stronger and Happier!  For a free session with a Certified Personal Trainer anywhere in Orange County, call (949) 441-0678 or submit your inquiry here.
Till then, stay Young! 🙂

 Heart-Centered Business  ~